Balcony power plants are a new and innovative technology in the field of renewable energy. They are small, powerful electricity generators that can be installed on balconies or small roof areas. These power plants use the power of solar energy to generate electricity.
A balcony power plant usually consists of one or two solar modules, which together may produce a maximum of 600 watts peak, and an inverter. If more modules are in use, the inverter throttles the power to a maximum of 600 watts peak.

Reduce environmental impact, promote sustainability
The concept of balcony power plants (also called mini PV system) is part of the so-called greentech industry, which deals with the development and use of technologies that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.
A balcony power plant allows for easy use of solar energy, without extensive installation. Most plug solar power plants are even available directly as a complete package with solar panel and inverter.
An important advantage of balcony power plants is that they can be installed without large investments and without the use of large areas. They are therefore particularly suitable for people who live in apartments or houses with small roofs and still want to generate their own electricity.
Another advantage of balcony power plants is that they contribute to independence from fossil fuels, thus helping to reduce CO2 emissions.
Differences to „normal“ photovoltaic system
The difference to a normal photovoltaic system is actually none – the components are technically more or less the same. However, balcony power plants are usually small solar plants in terms of power, which are just installed somewhere where there is space (such as on the balcony) and do not deliver more than 600 watts max.
However, there are also disadvantages: Balcony power plants are not yet very common and thus not yet very cheap. Moreover, they need good solar radiation and there are countries with climatic conditions that limit the use of such power plants.
Nevertheless, the idea of balcony power plants is an interesting approach in the fight against climate change and an example of the possibilities of greentech and sustainability. In the future, they could play an important role in energy production and help reduce dependence on fossil fuels.