Autor: Greentech-Live-En


Renaturation: Set-aside agricultural areas recover only slowly

Disused agricultural land recovers only slowly without active renaturation  measures, and not completely even after decades. This was the finding of an international team, including researchers from the Center for Biodiversity Research (iDiV), the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the universities of Halle-Wittenberg and Leipzig. The team compared […]


German-Indonesian project „Solar Ice Maker

Greentech Update in a nutshell: A German-Indonesian partnership has developed a solar-powered ice maker for small-scale fishermen in Indonesia. The high-tech solution is called „Solar Ice Maker“ and was developed as a rural development project to prevent food waste and enable small fishermen in disadvantaged regions to sell their products […]

Proservation Greentech Live Nachhaltige Verpackungen
Food, Greentech

Proservation for preservation: new packaging material made from grain husks

The Proservation founding team has made „packaging with reason“ its motto. To achieve this, they use natural materials for their new packaging material, which is based on grain husks. Packaging materials such as Styrofoam represent a major environmental burden Packaging materials such as Styropor are anything but environmentally friendly. The […]