The expansion of solar energy in NRW has again reached the record level of 2010 and 2011, according to Renewable Energies 2022. In total, systems with a capacity of 913 megawatts were installed last year, the State Association of Renewable Energies (LEE) reported this morning in Düsseldorf.

According to the information, 891 megawatts were added in 2010 and 913 megawatts in 2011. In 2021, the addition in North Rhine-Westphalia was 656 megawatts. The total solar capacity installed in NRW thus rose to a good 7500 megawatts by the end of 2022. By comparison, the hard coal-fired power plant Datteln 4 has a capacity of just under 1100 megawatts.

Solar plant climate protection with solar energy photo Dere Sutton via Unsplash Solar plant- protection with solar energy photo Derek Sutton via Unsplas
Solar plant climate protection with solar energy photo Dere Sutton via Unsplash Solar plant- protection with solar energy photo Derek Sutton via Unsplash

Greentech on the rise: 656 megawatts to be added in 2021.

According to the LEE, there was also a nationwide solar upswing last year. The reason for this was the rise in energy prices and the desire of many German citizens to become more independent with their own photovoltaic systems.

Despite the record, solar expansion in NRW is insufficient in the LEE’s view. „NRW must also significantly increase its efforts in the solar sector,“ explained LEE NRW Managing Director Christian Mildenberger. In order to achieve its own goals for climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, an annual increase of at least 2000 megawatts of solar capacity is necessary, he said.

At least 2000 megawatts of solar energy needed

The association also took a closer look at the expansion in individual cities. Thus Cologne registered a plus of 14.2 megawatts, Dortmund of 10.0 megawatts, Essen of 8.6 megawatts and Duesseldorf of 6.5 megawatts. Measured by the number of inhabitants, Paderborn (11.4 MW), Bielefeld (11.4 MW) and Münster (10.5 MW) were in the lead among the cities evaluated.

The black-green state government wants to push the expansion of photovoltaics. „Our goal is to ensure that every suitable roof is used for solar energy,“ the coalition agreement states. Step by step, there is to be a comprehensive solar obligation to this end.